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发多一首歌。。。where is love。。。

<P><EMBED src=http://www.bbsgood.com/upload/Love.mp3 width=400 height=300 type=audio/mpeg autostart="false" ShowStatusBar="1"></P><P>抒发一下今天情人节的感觉。。。</P><p>[此帖子已被 马甲 在 2005-2-14 18:39:55 编辑过]
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<STRONG><FONT color=#a0a0a0 size=4>where <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT>&nbsp;<FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT><BR><BR><BR><BR></FONT></STRONG><P><FONT color=#a0a0a0>what&#39;s wrong with the world, mama<BR>people livin&#39; like they ain&#39;t got no mamas<BR>i think the whole world addicted to the drama<BR>only attracted to things that&#39;ll bring you trauma<BR>overseas, yeah, we try to stop terror<FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT>m<BR>but we still got terror<FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT>ts here livin&#39;<BR>in the usa, the big cia<BR>the bloods and the crips and the kkk<BR>but if you only have <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT> for your own race<BR>then you only leave space to d<FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT>criminate<BR>and to d<FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT>criminate only generates hate<BR>and when you hate then you&#39;re bound to get irate, yeah<BR>badness <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> what you demonstrate<BR>and that&#39;s exactly how a n**** works and operates<BR>n**, you gotta have <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT> just to set it straight<BR>take control of your mind and meditate<BR>let your soul gravitate to the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT>, y&#39;all, y&#39;all<BR><BR>people killin&#39;, people dyin&#39;<BR>children hurt and you hear them cryin&#39;<BR>can you practice what you preach<BR>and would you turn the other cheek<BR><BR>father, father, father help us<BR>send us some guidance from above<BR>&#39;cause people got me, got me questionin&#39; me<BR><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">where</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT> (<FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT>)<BR><BR><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">where</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT> (the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT>)<BR><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">where</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT> (the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT>)<BR><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">where</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT><BR>the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT>, the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT><BR><BR>it just ain&#39;t the same, always unchanged<BR>new days are strange, <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> the world insane<BR>if <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT> and peace <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> so strong<BR>why are there pieces of <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT> that don&#39;t belong<BR>nations droppin&#39; bombs<BR>chemical gasses fillin&#39; lungs of little ones<BR>with the ongoin&#39; sufferin&#39; as the youth die young<BR>so ask yourself <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> the lovin&#39; really gone<BR>so i could ask myself really what <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> goin&#39; wrong<BR>in th<FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> world that we livin&#39; in people keep on givin&#39; in<BR>makin&#39; wrong dec<FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT>ions, only v<FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT>ions of them dividends<BR>not respectin&#39; each other, deny thy brother<BR>a war <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> goin&#39; on but the reason&#39;s undercover<BR>the truth <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> kept secret, it&#39;s swept under the rug<BR>if you never know truth then you never know <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT><BR><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">where</FONT>&#39;s the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT>, y&#39;all, come on (i don&#39;t know)<BR><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">where</FONT>&#39;s the truth, y&#39;all, come on (i don&#39;t know)<BR><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">where</FONT>&#39;s the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT>, y&#39;all<BR><BR>people killin&#39;, people dyin&#39;<BR>children hurt and you hear them cryin&#39;<BR>can you practice what you preach<BR>and would you turn the other cheek<BR><BR>father, father, father help us<BR>send us some guidance from above<BR>&#39;cause people got me, got me questionin&#39;<BR><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">where</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT> (<FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT>)<BR><BR><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">where</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT> (the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT>)<BR><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">where</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT> (the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT>)<BR><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">where</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT><BR>the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT>, the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT><BR><BR>i feel the weight of the world on my shoulder<BR>as i&#39;m gettin&#39; older, y&#39;all, people gets colder<BR>most of us only care about money makin&#39;<BR>self<FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT>hness got us followin&#39; our own direction<BR>wrong information always shown by the media<BR>negative images <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> the main criteria<BR>infecting the young minds faster than bacteria<BR>kids act like what they see in the cinema<BR>yo&#39;, whatever happened to the values of humanity<BR>whatever happened to the fairness in equality<BR>instead in spreading <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT> we spreading animosity<BR>lack of understanding, leading lives away from unity<BR>that&#39;s the reason why sometimes i&#39;m feelin&#39; under<BR>that&#39;s the reason why sometimes i&#39;m feelin&#39; down<BR>there&#39;s no wonder why sometimes i&#39;m feelin&#39; under<BR>gotta keep my faith alive til <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> found<BR><BR>people killin&#39;, people dyin&#39;<BR>children hurt and you hear them cryin&#39;<BR>can you practice what you preach<BR>and would you turn the other cheek<BR><BR>father, father, father help us<BR>send us some guidance from above<BR>&#39;cause people got me, got me questionin&#39;<BR><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">where</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT> (<FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT>)<BR><BR><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">where</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT> (the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT>)<BR><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">where</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT> (the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT>)<BR><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">where</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT> (the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT>)<BR><BR><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">where</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT> (the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT>)<BR><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">where</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT> (the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT>)<BR><FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">where</FONT> <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">is</FONT> the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT> (the <FONT style="COLOR: #e10900">love</FONT>)</FONT><BR></P>




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