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<P>今天威力叔叔找到一篇关于生肉喂养的文章,想要和大家一起分享,于是找我翻译。原网址是:<A href="http://www.njboxers.com/faqs.htm#started">http://www.njboxers.com/faqs.htm#started</A>。</P><P>但是由于这篇文章比较长,而且鼠鼠最近工作挺忙的,所以只能一天翻一点,要通篇翻译完可能需要一些时间,希望大家理解并耐心等待(权当看连载小说,嘻嘻)。如果你有兴趣帮忙翻译(<IMG src="http://www.stcfa.org/bbs/images/Emotions/5.gif">感激不尽),可以跟我拿资料。</P><P>水平有限,翻译不当之处,请赐教。</P><P>在此要多谢我的脚仔2号——猪唛MM的帮忙。</P><P>最后说说我对这篇文章的看法:美国那边的牲畜饲养机制和环境可以为他们提供可直接用于饲养的生肉产品,但是这在我们这边似乎不太可行(如寄生虫等问题)。</P><p>[此帖子已被 松鼠 在 2006-5-18 13:20:24 编辑过]
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楼上所言不无道理<IMG src="http://www.stcfa.org/bbs/images/Emotions/28.gif">






<P><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">I feed 2x/day, so I split these amounts into 2 feedings but I am giving you a full day&#39;s worth for the RMB meal.</FONT></P><P><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">Golden Retriever - 55# - RMB meal - 1# chicken backs, or 12 chicken necks, or 8 chicken wings, or 2 beef ribs plus an egg or&nbsp; yogurt. You can feed lamb, but it is rich so I don&#39;t suggest it in the beginning. Even now after 3 years I will only feed lamb&nbsp; that I trim and only when I will be around to let them out more often. Lamb riblets (I think in Australia they are called lamb flaps) have soft very chewable bones and this is what I use if I can get it.&nbsp;&nbsp; Occasionally (like once every 2 weeks), I&nbsp; substitute fish - either canned mackerel or sardines as my dogs will only eat these. If yours eats other fishes then serve &#39;em up. I split one large can or 2 small cans among my four dogs.</FONT></P><p>[此帖子已被 松鼠 在 2006-5-24 12:09:50 编辑过]




<P><A name=plans><EM><STRONG><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffcc" face="Comic Sans MS" size=2>Is it possible to see some sample meal plans?&nbsp; I really think seeing what I may be feeding will help alot!</FONT></STRONG></EM></A></P><P><EM><STRONG><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffcc">可以让我看一些喂养计划的样例吗?我认为这些会对我的喂养有很大的帮助!</FONT></STRONG></EM></P><P><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">Following are 4 sample meal plans (various size dogs) submitted by a BARFer who has been BARFing for 3 years. This is just a&nbsp; guide to help you get started as each dog is different and so is their activity level.&nbsp; What I suggest is to pick a weight closest&nbsp; to your dog&#39;s and feed a little more or less accordingly. As the days go on put your hand on your dog&#39;s rib cage and see if&nbsp; you press lightly you should feel ribs but not see them. If you can&#39;t feel ribs, your dog is too fat and if you can see ribs, your dog is too thin.</FONT></P><P><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">以下有四个(各种体型的狗的)喂养计划的样本,它们都来自有三年以上喂养经验的生肉喂养者。由于每只狗的活跃程度和其他方面都是有差异的,所以这些喂养计划只能作为您起步阶段的一个参考。我的建议是挑选一份最接近你的狗的体重的样本,并根据实际体重的轻重酌量增减食物量。过一段时间后,用手轻按狗的胸腔,你能感觉到它的肋骨,而在外表看不到肋骨的突起。如果你感觉不到肋骨,那证明你的狗偏胖了;而如果你能从表面上看到肋骨突起,则说明你的狗偏瘦。</FONT></P><p>[此帖子已被 松鼠 在 2006-5-24 12:04:29 编辑过]


<P><A name=scared><EM><STRONG><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffcc" face="Comic Sans MS">I&#39;m really scared to start, and I feel so overwhelmed...can someone send me some encouragement?</FONT></STRONG></EM></A></P><P><STRONG><EM><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffcc">我真的害怕开始,而且我感到压力很大…有谁能够给我一些鼓励呢?</FONT></EM></STRONG></P><P><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">Most of us felt the same way you do when we first started BARFing our pets.&nbsp; We thought it was very complicated (and maybe even more expensive), but have actually found it&#39;s much easier than kibble, or maybe that we all feel so good about what we&#39;re feeding them now--it just seems so simple now.&nbsp; Many of us believe the fact that BARF is less expensive than kibble too.&nbsp; Yes, it can feel very overwhelming at first, especially when thinking of supplements, how much to feed, meat-to-bone ratios, the veggies, and don&#39;t mix this with that, but once we finally relaxed and came to understand that it&#39;s a balanced diet OVER TIME, life got much easier. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </FONT><A href="http://www.njboxers.com/faqs.htm#top"><SMALL><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" size=2>Back to top of page</FONT></SMALL></A></P><P><FONT color=#000000>当我们大多数人刚开始用生肉和骨头喂养我们的宠物的时候都会有同样的感觉。我们以为这种方式非常复杂(可能还会更贵),但是实际上也发现他们比粗磨的更容易,或者可能我们现在用这种方式喂养他们感觉不错-所以它看上去简单多了。我们很多人也相信了这个事实-用生肉和骨头其实比粗磨的便宜多了。是的,刚开始它能给人许多压力,特别当考虑到了补充,喂多少,骨头和肉的比例,一些素食食物,而且不能混淆等等。。但一旦随着时间过去我们终于意识到其实这是个平衡的食物时我们就会松一口气。生活也变得简单多了</FONT></P><P><U><FONT color=#0000ff>回到顶页<BR></FONT></U></P><P><FONT color=#0000ff><FONT color=#000000>——猪唛MM译</FONT></P></FONT><P><BR>&nbsp;</P>


<P><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">For veggie meals, I would start with bland veggies with a bit of lean ground meat. Wait to add the richer foods, such as liver&nbsp; and eggs, for a few weeks. I would also wait to start adding any supplements until you are settled into a routine. </FONT></P><P><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">至于素餐,我会选择从刺激性较小的素餐开始,加些许绞碎的瘦肉,再慢慢添加其他丰富的食品,像肝脏和禽蛋类。再过几个星期,等你慢慢习惯了这种程序之后,我们就可以添加其他各种食物了。</FONT></P><P><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">These are just some of the basics of the diet. Your research will provide you with more detailed information on how to get&nbsp; started.&nbsp; Good luck and happy barfing. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </FONT><A href="http://www.njboxers.com/faqs.htm#top"><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">Back to top of page</FONT></A></P><P>这只是基础食谱的一部分。仔细调查,你会掌握更多关于开始生肉喂养的详细资料。祝您好运、愉快!<A href="http://www.njboxers.com/faqs.htm#top"><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">Back to top of page</FONT></A>(回到首页)</P>


<FONT face="Comic Sans MS">Most dogs do better on a cold turkey switch rather than half-kibble and half-BARF. Remember to keep things simple for the&nbsp; dog when you are starting. You might start with chicken or turkey and feed wings, necks or backs for the first couple of days. Let their body get used to the new foods before you start feeding them a huge variety of foods. Some dogs might not know&nbsp; what to do with the bones at first, but they will get the hang of it. If you have a small dog or a dog that doesn&#39;t get the hang of it, you can try crunching the bone into smaller pieces, or holding one edge of the bone for them.</FONT><BR><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: 楷体_GB2312; mso-font-kerning: 1.0pt; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: ZH-CN; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA; mso-hansi-font-family: &#39;Comic Sans MS&#39;; mso-bidi-font-family: &#39;Times New Roman&#39;"><FONT size=3>对于大多数的狗来说,突然地从粗磨饲料完全转变为生肉喂养要比一段时间半饲料半生肉的转变要好得多。当你开始转变喂养方式时,请记住一定要保持食物的单一性。你可以在开始的几天里喂一些鸡肉或者火鸡,还有鸡翅膀、鸡脖子或者鸡背部的肉,在你为它们开始一张丰富的菜单之前,让它们的身体适应这些新食物。有些狗狗可能一开始不知道如处理骨头,但是它们自己会摸索出窍门的。如果你养的是一只小狗,或者你的狗还不知道如何吃骨头,你可以把骨头压碎成小片,或者把尖锐部分挑走。</FONT></SPAN>




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