<TABLE borderColor=#669900 align=center border=2><TBODY><TR><TD>1 . 貓的壽命一般有8至15歲,你是否能作出承諾,照顧牠的一生? <BR><BR>A healthy cat can live to 8 to 15 years old, can you promise to take care of its whole life?</TD></TR><TR><TD>2 . 你能規律地抽出時間照顧貓咪嗎 ? <BR><BR>Can you offer your time regularly to take care of your cat?</TD></TR><TR><TD>3 . 你是否能夠提供一個安全而舒適的居所給貓咪 ? <BR><BR>Can you provide a safe and comfortable accommodation for your cat?</TD></TR><TR><TD>4 . 你的家庭成員(包括其他寵物)是否願意接受這位新成員呢 ? <BR><BR>Are the members of your family (including the existing pets) willing to accept this new member?</TD></TR><TR><TD>5 . 你能否負擔養貓的基本開支(包括食物,貓砂,適當的防疫注射及醫療保健) ? <BR><BR>Are you able to afford the basic expenses of keeping a cat (which include cat food, cat litter, proper vaccination and medical care)?</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> |