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亲爱的爸妈 <BR>Dear Mom and Dad, <BR><BR>今天我死了。 <BR>I died today. <BR><BR>你对我感到厌倦了,所以你把我送去了收容所。收容所的动物已经太多了,而我抽到了不幸的号码。 <BR>You got tired of me and took me to the shelter. They were overcrowded and I drew an unlucky number. <BR><BR>现在被装进黑色塑胶袋的我静静躺在掩埋场里。 <BR>I am in a plastic bag in a landfill now. <BR><BR>你留下来几乎全新的牵绳会给其他小狗狗用。 <BR>Some other puppy will get the barley used leash you left. <BR><BR>我的项圈又脏又太小,不过阿姨在送我上天堂之前帮我把它拿下来了。 <BR>My collar was dirty and too small, but the lady took it off before she sent me to the Rainbow Bridge. <BR><BR>如果我没有咬坏你的鞋,你会不会让我留下来? <BR>Would I still be at home if I hadn&#39;t chewed your shoe? <BR><BR>我不知道那是什么,只知道那是皮的,而且你把它丢在地上。你忘了帮我买狗狗玩具了。 <BR>I didn&#39;t know what it was, but it was leather, and it was on the floor. I was just playing. You forgot to get me puppy toys. <BR><BR>如果我没有在家里大小便,你会不会让我留下来? <BR>Would I still be at home if I had been housebroken? <BR><BR>你把我的鼻子压在便便里面只会让我对需要上厕所感到羞愧。 <BR>Rubbing my nose in what I did made me ashamed I had to go at all. <BR><BR>书跟训练老师都可以告诉你如何教会我走到门口要你开门的 <BR>There are books and obedience teachers that would have taught you how to teach me to go to the door. <BR><BR>如果我没有把跳蚤带到家里来,你会不会让我留下来? <BR>Would I still be at home if I hadn&#39;t brought fleas into the house? <BR><BR>我身上没有驱虫药,我没有办法在你把我留在院子里好几天後跑到我身上的跳蚤抓下来。 <BR>Without anti-flea medicine, I couldn&#39;t get them off me after you left me in the yard for days and days. <BR><BR>如果我没有乱叫,你会不会让我留下来? <BR>Would I still be home if I hadn&#39;t barked and barked? <BR><BR>我只是想告诉你:“我好害怕,我好孤单,我在这里阿!我想成为你最好的朋友!” <BR>I was only saying "I&#39;m scared, I&#39;m lonely, I&#39;m here, I&#39;m here! I want to be your best friend." <BR><BR>如果我让你开心,你会不会让我留下来? <BR>Would I still be at home if I had made you happy? <BR><BR>但是打我并不会让我知道怎么取悦你。 <BR>Hitting me didn&#39;t help. <BR><BR>如果你愿意花时间照顾我,教我如何当一只好狗狗,我是不是就可以留下来了? <BR>Would I still be at home if you had taken the time to care for me and to teach me manners? <BR><BR>差不多第一星期之後你就没有再注意过我了,但是我一直都在等著你来爱我 <BR>You didn&#39;t pay attention to me after the first week or so, but I spent all my time waiting for you to love me. <BR><BR>今天我死了... <BR>I died today.....<BR>
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<IMG src="http://www.stcfa.org/bbs/images/Emotions/53.gif">


<P>看了好伤心啊!!!</P><P>真的是说出了动物的心底话啊!!!</P><P><FONT size=4>为什么很多人类造成的东西却要动物去买单???</FONT></P>






<IMG src="http://www.stcfa.org/bbs/images/Emotions/7.gif">好可怜啊


<IMG src="http://www.stcfa.org/bbs/images/Emotions/17.gif">


<P>恶性循环也!此仍人类极大的恶果造成的!动物没有人类的智慧,也没有人类那么高级的生化进程,不能把所有不好的结果都归结在它们身上,它们是生命,是这个地球上一条生命!之所以会有这贴子的内容,100%是人类的作恶多端!!!<IMG src="http://www.stcfa.org/bbs/images/Emotions/46.gif"><IMG src="http://www.stcfa.org/bbs/images/Emotions/46.gif"><IMG src="http://www.stcfa.org/bbs/images/Emotions/46.gif"></P><P>善待动物,珍爱生命!</P>


<IMG src="http://www.stcfa.org/bbs/images/Emotions/52.gif"><IMG src="http://www.stcfa.org/bbs/images/Emotions/52.gif"><IMG src="http://www.stcfa.org/bbs/images/Emotions/52.gif"><IMG src="http://www.stcfa.org/bbs/images/Emotions/53.gif"><IMG src="http://www.stcfa.org/bbs/images/Emotions/53.gif"><IMG src="http://www.stcfa.org/bbs/images/Emotions/53.gif">


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